Checkpoint A: My site will have a serperate page for the shopping cart. Similar to other websites, the user will be able to view their order and can edit the quantities of the product. When storing the person’s data the...
Assignment 2 required that we build upon assignment 1. We had to add a user registration and a user log-in to our initial website. We used a JSON file to store the user’s data and used it to check if...
My programming skills have greatly improved in the following ways: I am able to think critically about the code before I execute it. I think about ways I would go about solving the problem before I start to code. I...
Invoice 1 required that we create a reciept page. This reciept showed the name of the product, the number purchased, and the price of a single product. It then instructed that you format this information into a table. At the...
Browser History 1 For this BH1 I created a web page that had links to different headers within the page. The first time I tried to do this WOD my computer suddenly shut off so I was unable to complete...
My name is Rei Yamamoto and I am majoring in Management Information Systems at the Shidler College of Business. I have always loved learning how things work and working with technology. Prior to starting college, I always enjoyed working with...