Browser History

12 Sep 2020

Browser History 1 For this BH1 I created a web page that had links to different headers within the page. The first time I tried to do this WOD my computer suddenly shut off so I was unable to complete the assignment. Everything I had previously done was lost. After I restarted my computer I was able to complete the assignment fairly quickly. The only part I kept forgetting about was the pound symbol when trying to link the table of contents to each section of the page. I often went to the page and refreshed whenever I made changes just to be sure that I was on the right track. When I noticed that the link did not work my mistake was always the same, I for got type the pound symbol. I reccomend reading the W3schools lessons on html. W3schools has all the tags you will need to complete this assignment.

Browser History 2 This assignment focused on styling the webpage. Most of the coding was done on the CSS file. I completed this WOD in one try. The main issue I had with this assignement was that I was unfamiliar with the type of fonts that were being used. I didn’t know that they were sans fonts so I had to look that up. I would suggest using the google fonts website that is provided for you in the resuouces on the ITM352 website. because the google font site will actually auto populate the syntax needed.

Browser History 3 This was also another assignment focused on styling the webpage. However, this assignment had you work on both the HTML file and the CSS file. I got stuck on aligning the three paragraphs side by side. I thought I could just have them aligned left right and center but that didn’t work so then I had to re align the center paragraph a little dfferently. I also started to play around with the table of contents. SInce the directions didn’t explicitly say how to arrange the navigation bar I tried different ways of making the navigation bar. When I went to watch the screen cast, it was done differently than I had done it but basically looked the same. I suggest playing with your code because there are different ways to complete this assignment.