Checkpoint Assignment 3

03 Dec 2020

Checkpoint A: My site will have a serperate page for the shopping cart. Similar to other websites, the user will be able to view their order and can edit the quantities of the product. When storing the person’s data the cart page will be the only page that can change the quantities. When a person enters the site they will be directed to the store. Once they click check out, they will be redirected to the checkout page. This wll be the shopping cart page that shows the item quantity and total cost. You will also be able to chang ethe quantity of the items you wish to purchase. Then once you finalize the items you wish to puchase there will be another page to pay.

Checkpoint B: When the user is addint items to their cart, I will store that data is a session that way, the data is always available when they are on my site.

Checkpoint C: I will make the page only accessable to those who have accounts by making the log-in page the first page when you try to enter. By doing this, you will not be able to see the store unless you have an account or register. This way it only allows registered users to enter.

Checkpoint D: After they log-in, I will create a space at the top of the page that shows their username. This will show them that they are logged into their own account.

Checkpoint E: I am working by myself.

Checkpoint F: How are you approching Assigment 3 differently than Aassignment 2?Ω